S N De: Forgotten Genius

One very important figure in the firmament of medical researchers in India who is today almost forgotten is Sambhu Nath De . S N De as he was popularly known was born and had his early education in the Hooghly district of present day West Bengal. The son of smalltime businessman, S N De was supported by his uncle to study and he turned out to be a brilliant student, receiving the District scholarship in his year and then went on to study at the Hooghly Mohsin College and then at the Calcutta Medical College. In his early days in Calcutta, his scholarship was not enough to support him and he was looked after by a Mr S K Sett who allowed him free board and lodging for as long as he needed it. He graduated in 1939 and then went on to do a diploma in Tropical Medicine (DTM) in 1942. He was then hired as a Demonstrator in Pathology in his alma mater and showed his mettle for research even in these early days of his career as he began doing research projects under the then Professor of Pat...