Doctor Patient relationship: a Chasm?

The relationship between doctors and their patients has undergone a sea change in India . Gone are the days of paternalism, when doctors ordered and the patients listened. But in today's consumer driven market place, this no longer holds good. However such concerns are not just Indian. Similar concerns consume American doctors as well. I am reproducing an opinion by an American anesthesiologist Shirie Leng , . Originally from the KevinMD, this post examines one reason for the gulf that has appeared in the trust between doctors and patients. " The subject matter has hit a nerve. The first post was about how we use and misuse numbers in medicine, and the second made the case that patients are not customers in the retail sense. The opinions in both cases were pretty much split between people who agreed with me wholeheartedly and those who thought me the most misguided idiot doctor ever to approach a keyboard. Why these subjects? Why are issues of buyi...