Cry, My Beloved Bengal

There have been dramatic events in Malaysia in recent times. On the 9 th May, the ruling party in Malaysia, which had enjoyed uninterrupted power for 61 years since independence was voted out in what was one of the most stunning upsets in electoral history. Many had hoped for such a turn of events, but most Malaysians never expected that this would happen. However it did. The shell shocked Ex-Prime Minister tried to put a spin on events, but finally bowed out fairly gracefully, leaving the field to the opposition which then took over promising all manner of enquiries into the conduct of the past administration. On the day that the results were announced, all public transport ran as usual, the flights left on time, tourists entered and left Malaysia, the Malls were full of holidaying youngsters (the new government had declared a holiday). There was no violence to speak of and certainly no severe injuries and no deaths. The passion that the Malaysians felt did not reflect itself...