Faith DOES move mountains !

One of my colleagues and I were selecting patients for the Final MBBS surgery examination which starts tomorrow. The Medical Officer led us to a gentleman who had been admitted for a repositioning of his nasogastric tube. As we talked to him to get his consent to participate in the examination, I noticed a booklet lying on his bedside table. I have the bad habit that I cannot pass by a book without having a look at it: and that is what I did. As I did so, the patient told me that he would like me to have it: it was a book that he had written. I was a little diffident but he was so earnest in his request that I accepted his gift with thanks. Mr Ho's Book The little booklet is named Cancer, My Wake-up Call and the patient, who is the author ,is Mr James Oh. Mr Oh is an accountant by training and has had a very successful career as a financial and wealth creation expert and has been instrumental in managing several companies, one of which he helped to list in the stock mar...