
Showing posts from March, 2025

Rambles in the Darjeeling Terai : Mongpong village

  North Bengal is full of unexpected corners, partly forested, partly scrub, partly riverine which are rich in birdlife. They are mostly overlooked by serious birdwatchers who tend to converge in the major bird watching spots. However, some of these neglected areas can be excellent places to spend some profitable hours of birdwatching. One such area is the village of Mongpong. The Teesta as it enters the plains at Sevoke makes a sharp left turn towards Gazaldoba. The road link to the Dooars crosses the river at Coronation Bridge and hugs close to the hills of what is now the Kalimpong District. Between the road and the Teesta is Mongpong. A kutcha road leads down from the Sevok Road and ends near the railway bridge. There are several large trees, including some marvelous simuls. There is a grassland and the Teesta is, of course, close by. The Teesta River Bridge  Further east is the Montong forest proper. To enter this we must have permission, so it is best to stay confine...