Siliguri Transport: suggestions.Dr Nipon Haque and Dr John Sinha

Around 4 years ago, I had written a blog post suggesting some solutions for the public transport situation in Siliguri. Recently, Nipon, he of the Nipowave and Bong Buzz fame, sent me a write up on his suggestions on the same topic which i have appropriated for this blog post. I have his permission. I also append a comment that Dr John Sinha, Nipon’s friend made on his post. Siliguri is a small but very important city considering its strategic location - being an important tourist transit point as well as the heart of North Bengal. But it will rank nowhere in the top list of small cities of India. In fact, it is a town at best, far from a city. I am sure that mere population doesn't make a city. A city needs some amenities which I am afraid are lacking here. Public transport being the worst! Even friends staying in Siliguri since birth find travelling from Hakimpara to Pradhannagar tiresome and "the distance too much". Without a decent transport system, Siliguri can ...