Kutna Hora: the Heart of Bohemia

When we visited Eastern Europe this year, we had a three day stay at Prague. There is little to write about Prague that has not been written a thousand times already, so I shall not waste my time. Suffice it to say that it is without doubt one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I loved it. This area in which the capital of the Czech Republic is situated is of course Bohemia, the legendary place for musicians, artists and writers whose alleged lifestyle has gifted the word bohemian to the English language. Originally a kingdom in the heart of Europe, these lands have seen many vicissitudes over the centuries, being ruled over by the adjacent German states, the Hapsburgs, and most recently splitting from the Slovak republic to become a member of the European union, albeit with its own currency still intact. About 60 kilometres from Prague is the town of Kutna Hora. Now it is a sleepy town, mainly dependent on tourists, but in the 14th and 15th centuries, it was a royal town a...