Rumours of Netaji and Lord Kitchener

The Famous Poster The febrile excitement caused by the release of the Netaji files has now died down. The excited yelping that had accompanied the release of some of the files seems to be over; the (distant) relatives of Netaji are no longer in the news and all is quiet until the next episode of Netajiitis. Perhaps today’s celebrations will set off another bout. The centenary of the commencement of First World War spawned a large number of books, some of which I have read with fascinated interest. One historical parallel which had earlier escaped my notice may be of interest. As soon as the War started, by public demand and acclaim, Lord Kitchener of Khartoum was appointed the War Secretary. On hindsight, it seems clear that while he was public relations dream (remember the posters showing him pointing to the public saying “the country needs you!” probably the most famous poster in history); he was a military disaster. He was used to colonial wars of the 19 th century w...