A century, no less!!
I suddenly realized that this is the hundredth post in Reflections. When I first started this blog, back in July 2008, I never thought that I would reach this magic number. As blogs go it is not very old, but I am reasonably proud of the fact that I have written almost weekly for the past three years. The idea of a blog arose when I came up with Niponwave when trawling the net. I was very interested to find that the blogger was a second year medical student at the North Bengal Medical College. Nipon was the inspiration for this blog and ever since he has helped me with the nitty gritties, taught me how to negotiate the difficulties that I face. In one of his own posts Nipon has drawn a distinction between those who came into this technology from “birth” as it were against those who came into it later, like me. For those of us who started seriously using computers only about ten years ago and that too at the ripe old age of 40+ some things are very difficult. However with help from Ni...