The End of Malaria?

As long ago as 1955, Russell published a book: Man’s Mastery of Malaria reflecting the widespread belief at that time that malaria was on its last legs and mankind would soon be rid of this deadly scourge. Unfortunately, the reports of its demise were hugely exaggerated and over the next few decades, malaria re emerged as a global epidemic and 55 years later, it still kills about 2.7 million people every year. The parasite that causes malaria was discovered in 1880 and Ronald Ross discovered the lifecycle of the parasite working in small laboratory in the present SSKM hospital in Calcutta, and got the first Nobel Prize associated with work done in Calcutta in 1902. However the battle to tame this disease has been fought with varying success over the next century. In the initial phase, the advent of powerful insecticides like DDT eradicated the mosquito from several of its haunts reducing the level of disease considerably. Those were the heady days of the Malaria Eradication Programme w...