Should We Avoid Over Experienced Surgeons?

An important article was published in the British Medical Journal on the 10th January. Authored by a group of French surgeons (the Cathay Group), this study examined the association between surgeons’ experience and their complication rates. In other words they wanted to gather some scientific evidence to prove or disprove the contention that the more experienced the surgeon, the less likely he is to have complications.It can be read here . To do this, they used the specific instance of thyroid surgery. This form of surgery has not substantially changed for several decades and it is associated with specific complications which can be fairly easily defined. These are, of course, injury to the laryngeal nerve and damage to the parathyroid glands both of which are dreaded complications after thyroid surgery. The study analysed 3574 thyroid operations done by 28 surgeons over a period of one year. They then used sophisticated statistical tools to examine the relation between the rate o...