The Gohna Lake

One of my favourite books in the Corbett canon is the “The Maneating Leopard of Rudraprayag”. I still remember the thrill that went up my spine when I first visited Rudraprayag in 1985 and saw the plaque put up under a tree where the leopard that killed hundreds of people in the twenties was finally killed by Jim Corbett. On rereading the book recently, I specifically noticed a paragraph and I quote it here in full: "Three days’ journey up the left bank of the Ganges and you have reached the ancient capital of Garhwal, Shreenagar, a historic, religious, and trading centre of considerable importance and of great beauty, nestling in a wide, open valley surrounded by high mountains. It was here, in the year 1805, that the forebears of the Garhwali soldiers who have fought so gallantly in two world wars made their last, and unsuccessful, stand against the Gurkha invaders, and it is a matter of great regret to the people of Garhwal that their ancient city of Shreenagar, together wit...