Creators and the process of creation

Ramkinkar's " The Santhal Family " at Santiniketan. Creativity is a blessing that is given to only some lucky ones. There are people who can create art, sculpture and write sublime prose and poetry. They say that all Bengalis have written poems at least sometime in their lives. I certainly have, but on re reading some of the bilge that I have created, I blanch in fear that my daughter will come across these scribbling. But those who are favoured by the Goddess Saraswati are in another league altogether. The process of creation is like giving birth. From a mixture of earth and some water, the sculptor fashions a figurine that can give pleasure to millions. When I see great paintings, or read a book of great poetry, I never fail to be awed at the creator. How do they create? I wonder. There is a marvelous description of Ramkinkar in the process of creating in a book by Samir Sengupta. He was a friend of the great Bengali poet Shakti Chattopadhaya, who was a regular ...